Friday, May 25, 2012

baby baby baby!

It is May 25th, Memorial day weekend, and we are heading to the cabin tonight for the last time as a family of 4!  We are due in 3 weeks with this little kicker!  We are very excited to meet him!
We have moved the boys in together to share a room and they really like it, it went a lot smoother then I thought!  Thank goodness!  I have been trying to prepare for the baby, the room, clothes, etc...  thinking about the labor a little too. Hoping it goes as good as it can...  I have painted the boys room, the babys room and deep cleaned them.
Grandma Cindy is in Italy right now!!  She snuck away before the babies made an appearance.  She went with Grandpa Jim, Annie, Jay, Jeff and Joe.  I am sure they are having a blast!   The boys and I really miss her!!!  Max keeps asking about her and asking where Italy is...he found a map and was figuring it all out!
Jen is due with her baby the middle of July!  She our little babies will be so close in age which will be so much fun!!  Can't wait till they get here.  Jen and Erik bought a really nice house a couple months ago in Cottage Grove, a great rambler with a huge yard!  It is nice to have them closer.
Nick has been looking for a new job lately after talking to Pete about changing his hours and Pete not budging at all.  Very frustrating!!!
I have been working my normal schedule at work, but it is really busy trying to get everybody in before the baby comes.  I am glad my leg that was bothering me isn't anymore.

That's all for now!!


Thursday, March 22, 2012

Spring is here!

It is March 22nd and spring is here!  The weather has been amazing this year, it has already been in the 80's a couple of times.  Our flowers are all blooming and it smells great out, the only down fall is...allergies!  Yuk!  Not so much fun, especially when your pregnant and you can't take to many medications.  This week I am 27 weeks pregnant and growing big, gained about 12 pounds already and the baby is still kicking all the time.  We have made our list of things we need to get done before the little bundle gets here in June.  We will be moving Jude into Max's room and the baby will have it's own room for now.  Hopefully this transition will go smoothly for all of us.
Work has been really busy and my legs bothers me after a long day of standing, I'm trying to take it easy more, which is hard for me to do, I always have a list in my head that I want to get done.
The boys are doing great, it has been so nice to use the play room again, it makes our house seem so much bigger, and they have been playing outside alot with the nice weather which is great. 
Jude woke up from his nap last friday with Croup and a double ear infection, poor little guy.  It was a rough couple of days but now he has bounced back to his happy self.
Nick has been busy at work, like always.  He has been working on our bathroom and cleaning up the yard with Jude's help. :)  I guess that is it for now, I need to go make lunch for Max, Jude, and Ollie before nap time, (my favorite)...

Friday, March 2, 2012

Boys Boys Boys

We are all doing well this week.  We had Max's kindergarten conferences last night and heard all good things!  He is one smart well rounded little boy!  Max has been so sweet lately, I feel like he is really maturing.  He is such a great big brother, always looking out for little Jude and trying to help him.  Jude is 2 1/2 yrs. old and just starting some tantrums, and he is a stubborn little guy, but he is also very sweet.  Jude is always saying, "I love you so much mommy!" so much!"  It makes me melt!
Nick is always busy at work of course, he works such long hours.  We are currently remodeling our bathroom on the main floor, which is turning into quite the project.  Mudding the walls, sanding, and more mudding, we ordered a new counter, sink and faucet so that will be nice once it is all done.
I'm doing pretty good, my let is still bothering me but other then that I'm feeling good.  I've gained 8 lbs so far and have been craving sweet foods, such as banana bread, muffins, cookies...etc....  Meat however does not sound good at all.
We finally got some snow last night, it has been the weirdest winter...40's off and on all winter!  I guess that's about it for now.....

Sunday, February 19, 2012

23 Weeks pregnant!

I am over half way done with this third pregnancy and I have to say it has been alot harder then the first two.  My right leg and right butt muscles have really been bothering me.  My veins in my leg ache and feel like they are getting stretched. (Not a great feeling.) I am also more emotional and tired.
The boys have been great, little and big! Max and Jude play very nicely together, and Max keeps himself busy if I need to lay down while Jude is napping.  Nick has been wonderful of course, always concerned about me and wanting to help me emotionally and physically.
We have a great family and we are all getting excited to see who this new little addition is and what they are like.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The busy life of mine!

I decided to start a blog so I can have some memory of our crazy life right now.  We are so busy all of the time.  Maxwell started kindergarten this year and goes every other day all day, Jude is in "school" too!  He goes to a community ed class once a week on Thursday mornings. Weeks go by so fast for us, I can't believe it is February already and to top it all off we are expecting our 3rd baby in June!   We are all very excited!  Right now I need to get Max off to school but I will add more later....